Starting a New Adventure

Hi, friends and family! Welcome to our new blog. This is where we hope to document our adventures as a family.

“What is that new adventure?” some of you may be wondering. Well, we (Jason, Charlotte and Isabel) are packing up and hitting the road full time. We have sold our house, all of our cars, and most of our possessions. We have resigned from our jobs and taken on consulting contracts. We have purchased a new truck and a fifth-wheel RV trailer. We plan on traveling the continent chasing 70 degree weather, while living, working, and adventuring together as a family.

Isabel, Charlotte, Jason, along with “Big Blue Truck” and “RV House”

We hope that by giving up the nine-to-five, daily commute, daycare, and downsizing/simplifying we can spend more time together, get more exercise, eat better, and adventure more. Living our best life, in other words, if I may risk sounding like some sort of avocado-toast eating millennial.

Of course, none of these things are guaranteed. But not many things in life are. This is actually one of the big reasons we’re giving up so much to take a chance on this crazy lifestyle. We’ve been incredibly blessed with loving and supportive family, fantastic friends, and rewarding careers, which have all combined to put us into a position to even consider taking this plunge. We try to appreciate how lucky we are to have this opportunity, and realize it might not always be there for us. As the great Yogi Berra said, “When you come to a fork in the road, take it.”

Still wondering about our plans? Check out the FAQ.

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One Reply to “Starting a New Adventure”

  1. May good fortune and good luck follow you on this great adventure! Looking forward to hearing about your travels.

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